Up early this morning, checked to make sure
All systems were a go, slid my slippers on
And shuffled to the kitchen to make my coffee
sitting in my favorite chair
Waiting for the sun to rise, I’m ready to
Celebrate…..after all, it’s my birthday!!!
I wonder what my mom was thinking about me
that early morning (they say around 6am)
I guess I was eager even then to start this thing
Called life. The weather clear, temperature somewhere
Between 57 and 69 degrees. Crisp beautiful
Fall day.
Walked pass the scale or should I say
scales (there’s one in every room). Not even
going to check today.
Definitely no running.
There will be plenty of time
Tomorrow for fitness and pain and eating right.
Let today be a pain-free, guilt-free day.
Five Guys – Double cheeseburger with onions, mayo,
Ketchup and pickles – topped off with
French fries – YUMMY!!!
I might even have a real Pepsi today –
No diet stuff. After all today is my
Shopping on the menu – a new pair of shoes maybe?
Just want to have fun today – nothing serious. I want
To laugh too much and eat too much and take
Several naps during the day.
Can’t know what this new life year has in
Store for me
Just trying to be ready, Looking to be that
Kinder, gentler soul
Forever searching to be that sexy, slender, sixty something senior
So I guess tomorrow I better get started because I have
A long road ahead of me. But today, I’m ready to celebrate!!!!
5 Responses
Hope you had a great birthday. You really don’t have far to go, you’re already there… that sexy, slender, sixty something senior… you already are. Nice, light, playful writing technique… May God continue to bless you with many More.
If you are that “young” fifty something writer I saw a few days ago … I think you look great and have met your mark for Fine, Fabulous and Fantastic! Happy “yes I can” Birthday!!!
Happy Belated Birthday
You look absolutely fabulous.
I hope you enjoyed shopping at your favorite store!!!
I like it 😊