\”Love me, love me, say you do
let me fly away with you\”
In my perfect world I would have been there to grab
On to his hand and pull him up. In my perfect world
We would have been able to conquer all the demons
So we could live free.
Why didn’t I want that world enough to fight for it then?
Instead I broke his heart and let him go. I couldn’t fix
Me….. I couldn’t fix him. Thought I knew everything.
Found out I knew nothing……we managed – separately
Pushing some things aside,
holding on to some things we should have
let go of a long time ago…..
Doing that thing we call life, messing up, cleaning up, growing up
And finally facing up
Trying to get through the muck and mire. Looking
For that clearing where life is gentlier, sweeter to the
Taste. A well-spring of water bubbling up, spilling over
So cleansing, so refreshing
Stealing a few moments of reprieve – just enough to
Satisfy that want for a little while
A pure place, a vulnerable place, a place to see and
To be seen
A place of safety and protection where nothing needs to
Be hidden.
“You’re spring to me, all things to me, don’t you know
You’re life itself”
Today I keep looking for him amongst the crowds of people
I keep searching for those eyes,
Wanting desperately to find that moment when all is well
I keep striving to make sense of this time, this place……
These circumstances of “ridiculousness”.
I keep clinging to that hope,
He keeps holding on to that crazy dream of his
Which keeps him alive
He keeps seeing his glass half full and I keep seeing
It half empty.
We manage to meet somewhere in the middle teetering
On the edge of insanity
Help me to keep trying. Help me to keep praying,
Help me to keep believing in the things that cannot
Be seen. In the power and energy that supplies all
Our needs.
Help me not to give up
“Like a leaf clings to a tree, oh my darling cling to me”
My soul betraying me today, I wallow in despair
Can’t seem to shake this gloom that encompasses
My being – intertwining with my spirit I can’t seem
To separate from it. I can\’t seem to let it go.
My world is diminished today, my spirits low, my body aching
My world is hazy, my vision cloudy, I need to sleep, need to clear
My mind of all this negativity. And today I color my
World dark.
One Response
You continue to amaze me. It’s such a comfort to read your work.