To set my eyes on you… hold you in my
Arms again – WOW – what joy.
You, my sweet Rhapsody….more beautiful
Than any picture could capture
You bring to life all that feeling that seems
To bubble up in your eyes
It’s the joy of you!
It was almost surreal
You represent for me the part of your mother
That wanted to run free, not trapped, stuck
In the mire, stuck in the fear of someone
Else’s bad dream/reality
She tried to find her own way of living day
After day – pushing forward – not dwelling
On what was already gone but not forgotten.
She looked to you, your life representing
Her spirit of excitement of adventure
She looked to you
And you to her – you had each other only
For a minute it seems – not nearly long enough
It’s the joy of you!
The shadow of her smile lingers lovingly,
Softly permeating the aura of you
It’s the feeling that springs forth when you dance
It’s that story being told of all that was left unsaid
Between you.
Your eyes reveal the gentleness of your soul – so precious
So tender and loving.
It’s the joy of you!
As you cling to life and love so deeply wanting
Only to give more and more of you
We see you Rhapsody – you make us admit
Things that are never said out loud
I root for you every day almost willing you to
Know the beauty of you. I pray that you will
Not just read the words but know instinctively
The depth and breadth of each prayer spoken
Of each thought of you.
I can’t redeem the time lost or the memories
Not shared.
I can only push forward from here – never to
Let you far from me again. I can rest comfortably
Knowing that I’m fulfilling a promise I made to your
Mother so many years ago. She can rest
Peacefully now in the knowledge that I found
You – my sweet Rhapsody………..
It’s the joy of you!
4 Responses
Wow! Reading this brought an awesome unexplainable great feeling 😊
Your reunion with your god daughter after all these years warms my heart and brings me so much joy. Modern technology makes it so much easier for people to reconnect. Thank goodness for progress. I am looking forward to meeting Rhapsody one day. What a wonderful blessing!!
Wow. What lovely words for someone truly loved, found and never forgotten.