I lay in my bed wondering when he stopped
Relating to life. Exactly when was his innocence
Taken from him.
I remember him free, loving, open and giving.
It was that freedom that drew me to him……
with him there was openness, there were limitless
He left me because I couldn’t commit to him totally.
Buried deep in my “stuff” he ran from me
Trying to find something to satisfy that longing.
He masked his emptiness and found solace in a
Drink, in a drug….taking him further from me.
I loved him then but I couldn’t tell him. I wanted
Him then and selfishly I took – never fulfilling
His needs.
So he became silent – vanishing from my world –
Checking out, seeking acceptance in things
That only dragged him down further into that
Place where no one could find him.
Not reaching out – being content to be in that
Dark place
Paths never crossing, lives being destroyed, chasing
Dreams that he pushed further and further away
From himself. Building barriers.
It’s about learning to live all over again, to really
See things as they are. It’s about not succumbing
To those desires that bind him – never setting him free.
He took that step, putting one foot in front of the other
Finally realizing that the human will to live and God’s
Grace is much stronger, much more powerful then
Any temporary “feel good” that sucks the life
Out of you.
A world away I reached out, not knowing what I was
Reaching for or why. His spirit dissipating the time
lost – beautiful, alive!!!
His hand warm to the touch.
To be found is a beautiful thing.
Placing the missing link back in the chain,
being made whole……. redemption!!!!
and I too believe this is our time!

2 Responses
That was deep, on many levels. I enjoy your style, very unique. I look forward to reading more of your work. You are a talented artist. Keep up the good work.
I agree with Kevin…deep on so many levels. Wow Jeanette – this is an amazing website. You have real talent. Thanks for including me.