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In Memory of Daddy

August 10, 1910 – May 7, 2001

Got up regular that day

Spring morning in May, 46 degrees –


Nothing special, got up wondering

What would be the project for the day

(there was always a project going on)

Seniors waiting for him to come

And serve them coffee

They’d come to like Mr. Curry’s coffee

They loved his servant spirit….

Walking down the street I could always

Hear them calling “Mr Curry, “Mr Curry”

Something about him commanded respect

Always Mr. Curry – never David. But to me

He was daddy…….

Got up regular that day

Had his coffee first always just ½ a cup

Didn’t want to overdo it. I wonder if he

Read his Bible as was customary ever

Since I can remember.

I’m sure he put on the news

And watered his artificial flowers – he loved

Flowers. No sense of arguing with him

At 90-years old. He delighted in watering

Those artificial flowers, convinced that

They liked it.

Got up regular that day

Decided on a bath and a shave, He loved

The water.  Even taught the cat to love the water. 🙂

Spent many years

Swimming hours at a time. I was always

Worried about him in the water.

Breakfast would come later

Moving slowly those days – very deliberate

Stubbornly determined to be on his own

To do for himself

Got up regular that day

Can’t know what he thought about – can’t know

What he was planning…pushing to get

Ready, son would be home soon, didn’t

Want to be in the way.

Water warm to the

touch he let the water run hotter as he

Adjusted to the temperature.

Got up regular that day

Not knowing that this would be his last day

Water running and running, time passing,

Water still running………

And there he was found sometime later

I can still hear the horror in my brother’s

Voice even now, as he screamed into the phone

“Daddy drowned!!!” My world went blank…….

I guess he just got tired of swimming, decided

He’d take a rest

Eternity in view – no plans for the day

Daddy & Me

6 Responses

  1. Once again you succeeded in bringing tears to my eyes.
    I remember Mr Curry’s sweet smile and gentle voice. I remember his constant advice to “go to school, Carol, get a good education”. Actually I think if any young person were in his presence for more than a few minutes, they were going to get “the talk”. And I appreciate it, oh how I appreciate it. Mr Curry was a small man, but he walked really fast and covered the same ground as a much bigger guy. I remember marveling at him dodging thru moving traffic on Atlantic Ave. This man could move! Then there was the 10
    speed bike ( Ms Curry called it ” my husbands cadillac). Mr Curry was getting
    his bike on way before anyone ever thought of a spinning class. Yep. Even in
    his later years, when he visited MD, Mr Curry was still walking, pretty darn
    fast as I recall, for exercise. For me, the main thing is that he seemed to have
    a spirit of peace and well being that many of us spend a life time trying to
    achieve. You were blessed to have him Jeannette.

    on Atlantic Ave

  2. Thank you so much Carol. Now I’m the one in tears. You described him perfectly, from “the talk” to the dodging cars on Atlantic Ave. thank you for reminding me of all the precious moments .

  3. Such a touching memory. Memories are great, they are sad, they are happy, they are anger, they are questions. Its such a special thing to have. This makes me think of my own Daddy and when he passed. I was just so thankful and greatful to God that I was home in Alabama at the time for I know it was only God that lead me there that weekend. Thank you for sharing

  4. I miss you Granddaddy! I think about you everyday. I will never forget everything that you taught me growing up. Keep watching over us as we continue your legacy! I love you always, Happy Heavenly Birthday!!

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