I\’d like to love you, love you early
In the morning when the birds bless
The earth with song, I’d like to dance
For you.
I’d like to love you, love you in
Late morning after fixing a perfect
Breakfast, sipping on coffee and when
You look up at me, I’d like to love you
With the warmness of breakfast.
I’d like to love you, love you around
Lunch time when the kids are screaming
With joy…….
I’d like to make your soul scream with
I’d like to love you, love you in the
Evening after dinner and the dishes are
Washed and put away
When your warm breathe kisses my face
I’d like to thank you in the most intimate way
And honey, I’d like to love you, love you
When the moon shines through our window
And everything is still….when I look over
To see your head resting on our pillow
I’d like to turn over and find you waiting to
Love me, to love me like the burning fire of
The days’ sunshine and the heat of a lit oven
When biscuits are rising……
I’d like to rise with you to another day and
Wake up in your arms smiling
I’d like to love you, love you
2 Responses
Nice- I’m going to share this poem with a couple soon to be married.
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Very romantic.