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Happy New Year!

New year, new me, new things – old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.

I guess the magic of the season is that we get to begin anew. Although we might not formally write down “resolutions” we somehow resolve to do things a little differently – a new mindset if nothing else. I started off 2024 in bed sick, and behold I’m starting 2025 the same way! WHAT??? Things are supposed to be different, aren’t they? After all, I’ve got a new attitude. And yes, I’ve gained some things in 2024 – like some extra pounds, at least 10 new pairs of shoes – which is actually down from the 20 I brought in 2023. I’ve even added a few more gray hairs, although I decided being a redhead would help with the bodacious attitude I was hoping to acquire. Nevertheless, I’ve also gained a newfound respect for life and a new appreciation of limits and possibilities. I’ve added a boat load of memories and a few successes. With that being said, I’ve also lost a lot of things in 2024. Let’s talk about my declining eyesight. My ability to bounce back from setbacks has definitely been compromised. It seems my obituary file is getting a bit hefty and along with that I lost the ability to use one of my most precious lifelines – let’s say “phone a friend”. I’ve lost my sense of navigation which kept me spinning in circles trying to figure out my way forward but fortunately life kept moving without me and then with one swift kick, pushed me off that merry-go-round.  Who thought of that name anyway? There is absolutely NOTHING “merry” about going around in circles. I always hated that thing. Upon embarking everything is spinning out of control and you just feel downright sick. So here I am off the merry-go-round and left to start all over again. After a much too long to heal injury, I’m back on the trail. It’s harder this time but nevertheless, I’m pushing through. I’ve gained some newfound courage and even added a little more compassion. I’ll admit, I’m a little more sentimental and more conscious of the frailty of life. I vow only to keep striving never to forget the lessons life has taught me thus far because Lord knows I don’t want to repeat those lessons. I’ll take this new attitude along with my ever-increasing faith in being and doing whatever the Lord has for me, and jump into this brand new year, with all its possibilities fully armed, prayed up and ready to go!!!! 

Happy New Year!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

7 Responses

  1. 2025 has brought a new year forward and placed 2024 on the back burner. It was a rough year but God has carried me to the front burner of life. I’m Blessed and thankful for His decision to allow me to simmer. He’s not finished with me yet. To God be the Glory!

  2. Yes 2024 was a clearly a year of growth for many of us. Like you, I want to make changes and have a smoother 2025. Like so many women, there is opportunity for better self care. I look forward to many things and high on that list is spending more time with you!

  3. Happy New Year my friend, I pray that you gain strength & feel better soon. While true… There is absolutely NOTHING “merry” about going around in circles… we are all blessed to have made another “circle” around the Sun ♡
    Thank you for being a blessing.

  4. Well, well, well. I’m constantly learning more about you, whether in person or through your writings. For the few years I’ve known you, I’ve garnered a great respect for our friendship.

    Happy New Year back at ya my friend.

    Your message has made me put some things into perspective like the symbolism of the “merry go round”; confronting illness; phone a friend; the mind set of never giving up no matter the situation; merging the old with the new – many things that we know, but really don’t think about until we have to.

    At your convenience, let’s do lunch.

  5. 2024 Was challenging but Along with everyone else, I’m very optimistic about 2025 😊 Love you Mommy and Happy New Year

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