Loved your energy, the way you managed to fill my days
Made me see things through different eyes
Your spirit connecting with my spirit. Just when I needed
Some light – you provided
There was always something to laugh about……or
Cry about…….or curse about – something real. The
Beauty is in the rawness of it all.
Never thought I’d care but you wouldn’t have had it any
Other way.
So now I care and now you’re off chasing other worlds
Off to that new adventure, off to color some other part
Of the universe. Someplace that needs your touch
And somehow I knew it would come to this. I’m just
Thankful to have known what little I’ve known, thankful
I could share this space and time. Take a good long, cool
Drink for me………
Find me among the clouds that drift through your mind’s
Eye and know that I will never forget your non-conventional
Behavior or the tenderness of your heart
You’ll be missed.