Young woman grew old too fast…..too fast to keep up
So she checked out
Disillusioned by life – no fight left – no will
Nobody to love her, nobody to give her purpose –
That reason we manage to continue to love and
Breathe, that flame in us that stubbornly continues
To flicker…..
Pushing us towards each next moment –
Grief too heavy – she just got tired, no air – life snuffed out
Young woman turned old …did she reach out?
Or did she choose to suffer alone, silently.
Did she choose to hold on to the terrors of the night
Did she wrestle with the darkness that enveloped her
spirit until she was well spent
Wish she could have heard me shout – “ live on – hold on” – daylight
Eventually comes even when there is no hint of daybreak
I would have pushed her to run, run little girl, run young
woman, run old woman as fast as you can
Cry louder even when your voice is stifled, even when
Your breath is being cut off – fight harder!
Someone needs you here – present
Someone is depending on you for life
Young woman turned old much too fast gave in to the
Devil convinced her that his way was best – serpent of
Death, bearer of bad news celebrating another victory
How dare you let him win. How dare you cheat yourself
Of a life worth living……maybe not today but tomorrow comes
If you hold on.
Young woman turned old much too fast and slipped into
Darkness never to return. Today we cry for you and for all
Those like you who give up who choose death over life
As if it is yours to decide.
Someone hear me……..CHOOSE LIFE TODAY!
2 Responses
Yep, yeah, YES!!! If you don’t think you are winning, hold on and JUST DON’T LOSE.
Powerful and well said Anita e.