I close my eyes and open my heart in anticipation
As though I could WILL it true
I covet a place where we are not confined by
time or distance, somewhere far from noise,
confusion and restrictions.
Leaving behind the familiar to find that expansive space of
Nothingness where we can create our own haven.
We dream dreams that seem so real yet reality gets
In the way.
Settling in for the long haul we measure each step
With precision.
Not wanting to misstep or miss anything along the way
That we might need for that time, so long from now, of comfort.
Will my mind betray me, sending me back to that
Protected space I designed for one? That space where the air
Smothered my growth, choking out any possibility of
Stimulation. That space where I almost died and didn’t even
Care. Didn’t even know I was dying. Didn’t seem to matter.
That quiet resolve that comes from complacency. That
Calloused space where nothing penetrates. That
Protected space of blankness…….emptiness.
And yet, my heart never gives up. Quickening its movement
Jolting me to a new space. Freeing my mind of muddiness.
No more snuffing out, no more dulling of sensation,
I get to really feel things. Maybe this time I’ll get it right…
Forcing my mind to stay current, to embrace the
pain of now in anticipation of the bliss to come some day,
Maybe – tomorrow…….hopefully not too late.
Maybe this is the first day of my new existence
Opening up to the possibility of a life without fear
I breathe, he breathes. Holding my hand, he steps
I run faster – willing myself to keep up. Don’t let me
Stumble, don’t let me fall.
I’ve got a good pace now.
Won’t get left this time,
Won’t get trapped. Can’t forget the steps that it took to
Get to this point…. Moving forward, not looking back!!!
One Response
Very moving and deep.